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  • Adopt-a-Shelf program lets students create book displays

    Libraries can offer safe, welcoming spaces for young people to access resources and programming, explore their interests, and connect with peers. And these benefits can be even more impactful when young people feel like they can actively contribute. ...

  • How to Get Your Collection from Awful to Awesome

    Reap the benefits of a well-weeded collection! Mary Kelly and Holly Hibner, co-authors of the popular blog Awful Library Books shared their holistic approach to collection management in the WebJunction web...

  • Connecting Libraries and People through the New

    Libraries have always been trusted spaces in our communities, and the events of the past several years have brought more attention to the important work they’re doing. News stories highlighted the creative ways libraries mobilized to offer vital reso...

  • Spice of Life! Adding Variety to a Library of Things

    Libraries of Things have been growing in popularity in recent years, offering community members the opportunity to borrow items beyond the books and media most people associate with libraries. Libraries across the country have expanded their offering...

  • Resources for Advancing IDEAs (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility): A New Blog Series

    A new blog series shares resources and learning opportunities for library staff Advancing IDEAs (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility). Twice monthly, series editor Jay Weitz compiles a collection of information, stories, and tools on time...

  • Resources on Book Challenges and Intellectual Freedom

    Across the United States, there are increased reports of book challenges from community members, which have led to very public and heated discussions. As public library leaders and staff consider how to prepare for similar local challenges, being pro...

  • WebJunction Launches First Courses in Series on Digital Collections Stewardship

    OCLC's WebJunction, in partnership with Washington State University’s Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation, has launched the first two in a series of free online courses developed for staff at small public libraries and tribal archives, librar...

  • Impacts and Reflections: Digital Stewardship Training Initiative

    A pressing concern for staff working in tribal archives, libraries, and museums (TALMs) is appropriately managing and preserving the unique and diverse cultural heritage materials—digital and analog—that are in their care. Similar concerns often hold...

  • Working with Historical Collections during Contemporary Crisis

    As archivist for the Indiana Historical Society, Maire Gurevitz’s role is twofold: unraveling the stories hidden in new and existing collections and helping researchers investigate their own mysteries. COVID-19 presented a new challenge, but one that...

  • Conscious Child Family Book Discussion Kits on Racial Equity, Identity, and Justice

    We learned about these fantastic book discussion kits in recent Ohio Library Council News and reached out to Caitlin Campbell, Children's Librarian, at the Oxford Lane Library in Ohio, to learn more about the project and the resources included in...