

Networking cable on top of a list of IP addresses

Core to library services, access to technology requires active and ongoing planning. Technology plans should support library strategic planning, include more than just computers, accommodate new and emerging technologies, and include staff training. This section has tips for planning as well as inspiration for what your plan could include. 

Articles and Resources

Empowering informed communities

Publish Date: News / 18 June 2024

Public libraries are uniquely positioned to support communities facing current information-related challenges. To do this, library workers need research-based resources and tools on information literacy and misinformation.

Researchers .....

Media and information literacy: Resources that address misinformation

Publish Date: News / 6 June 2023

At a time when the concept of truth is frequently being challenged, media and information literacy enables people to question critically what they have read, heard, and learned.
Media and information literacy includes having the knowl.....

Libraries get reel: Connecting to community with short videos

Publish Date: News / 7 March 2023

The Milwaukee Public Library has been making headlines for their creative TikTok posts that have reached millions of people. After opening their account in summer 2022, it didn’t take long for their posts to start going viral. And everyone gets in on...

Localizing the misinformation escape room

Publish Date: News / 11 August 2022

Even before the official launch of Loki’s Loop in June 2022, the research team at the University of Washington Information School received numerous requests for collaboration from across the world. The first two organizations they agreed to support a...

The Euphorigen Investigation: Backgrounder

Publish Date: News / 13 June 2022

Are there patrons at your library who seem to be influenced by misinformation? Have you tried to provide them with trustworthy information, or offered tips on how to better search? Have you provided digital or media literacy programs that teach criti...

Drive social media success that connects on a personal level

Publish Date: News / 4 January 2022

How can you engage purposefully on social media with the different communities your library serves while also addressing larger, system-wide goals and policies? The concept of “social care” offers a clue. Social care differs from traditional customer...

Host a new virtual misinformation escape room at your library

Publish Date: News / 25 October 2021

Is your public library looking for a fun way to teach community members about spotting misinformation in social media? Do you know people in your community who like to solve puzzles, play live-action adventure games, or who are craving some structure...

Social media and libraries survey summary

Publish Date: News / 13 February 2018

WebJunction and TechSoup for Libraries collaborated on a series of free webinars focused on Libraries and Social Media. In conjunction with the 2017 series, we invited participation in a survey to learn more about how libraries use social media. The ...

Social media policy examples

Publish Date: News / 17 January 2018

In fall 2017, WebJunction cohosted a series of webinars with TechSoup on social media in libraries. In conjunction with the series, library staff were asked in a survey, if social media policies were in place in their libraries. The most common respo...