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  • Rethink Use of Your Physical Space

    This resource is part of the Toolkit for Creating Smart Spaces, a toolkit to help you re-envision your library’s place as a center of community learning. It might seem ideal to be able to build a whole new building or at least a large additi...

  • Multicultural Picture Books: A Deeper Look at Your Collection

    Do you feel it is important to have a diverse children’s collection, but don’t always know where to start? The Diverse BookFinder Collection Analysis Tool (CAT), funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, is specifically des...

  • Web Archiving for Public Libraries: Self-Paced Course

    The fact that the news, events, celebrations and even disasters that take place in our local communities are by now almost solely documented online is itself no longer new information. For many years the decline of print news has paralleled the incre...

  • Weeding the Library Collection: Updated Self-Paced Course

    Mention collection development and most librarians think of the selection of new materials for the library. Weeding - removing library materials from your collection - is an often forgotten, yet integral part of collection development. In this update...

  • Best Practices and Planning for Digitization Projects

    Alyce L. Scott, a lecturer with the School of Information at San Jose State University, explores the best practices and planning needed for digitization projects.

  • Seven Answers to Seven Weeding Questions

    Deciding how to weed your library's collection can be daunting. Decisions about criteria and policies are important to address to provide guidance to weeders. Holly Hibner, Adult Services Coordinator, and Mary Kelly, Adult Services Librarian from the...

  • Unfolding History at Your Library

    In our information-saturated and social-mediated world, we are all subject to some filtering of the news we receive. It's a challenge to get the full picture of things happening, especially complex world events. Think back to the information landscap...

  • Advancing the National Digital Platform: New Report Available

    A report summarizing the results of needs assessment and gap analysis of digitization activities in US public libraries and state library agencies is now available from OCLC Research. The 2016 surveys explored areas including how many libraries are p...

  • 3 Ways Libraries Can Channel Understanding in Confusing Times

    As individuals and communities react to conflict in the world, we're reminded of the ways in which libraries often serve as a sanctuary for those looking for physical or emotional safety. But unfortunately, even the committed and welcoming staff who ...

  • What Languages Do Public Library Collections Speak?

    In May of 2014, Slate published a series of maps illustrating the languages other than English spoken in each of the fifty US states. In nearly every state, the most commonly spoken non-English language was Spanish. But when Spanish is excluded as we...