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AARP: Personal Technology
The AARP pages on computers have computer FAQs, news, how-to guides, reviews of software products, and hardware and computer books. The pages also have a computer glossary and a feature for new computer users.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) - Working with Older Adults
Resources on key issues affecting older adults including the prevention of elder financial exploitation, planning for financial incapacity, and Social Security.

Creative Aging Toolkit for Public Libraries
The Creative Aging Toolkit for Public Libraries is a free, online resource for librarians. It offers access to information about aging and libraries, creative aging research, and best practices in the field. The toolkit contains insights, tips, tools and templates to be used when planning, implementing and sustaining successful programs.

American Library Association

Library Services for Patrons with Alzheimer's/Dementia

Keys to Engaging Older Adults @ Your Library
From the American Library Association (ALA), "Keys to Engaging Older Adults @ your library" is the fourth library outreach toolkit offered by the ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services. Created in response to the concerns of librarians across the country who provide services for the growing numbers of older adults in their communities, this toolkit contains valuable advice on programming, accessibility concerns, finding funding, engagement and implementation, model programs and more.

National Institute on Aging
One of the 27 Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute on Aging has been at the forefront of the nation's research activities dedicated to understanding the nature of aging, supporting the health and well being of older adults, and extending healthy, active years of life for more people.

SeniorNet provides adults, age 50 and older, with access to and education about computer technology and the Internet, enabling them to share their knowledge and wisdom.

Transforming Life after 50
The Transforming Life After 50 initiative (TLA50) is a growing community of library professionals and library users who are working to transform how libraries serve and engage their communities, especially active mid-life adults ages 50+. Although initially formed to support the twenty-four grant funded libraries in California where the initiative began, we hope to interact with other libraries, in California and beyond, that are also actively reaching out to their mid-life adult communities. By inviting libraries to share their experiences and lessons learned, we hope to create a diverse TLA50 learning community – a place to exchange ideas and share examples from which we all may draw inspiration."Library Services for Patrons with Alzheimer's/Dementia