

  • Pima County Library: Building Community through Cultural Humility

    It’s no secret that a lot of really wonderful people work in libraries. I learn so much from having regular access to motivated, smart people who are so passionate about helping others. The best librarians possess a unique blend of conviction, commit...

  • Skills for Community-Centered Libraries Curriculum Available

    Like many libraries across the nation, the Free Library of Philadelphia is undergoing a paradigm shift. Increasingly, our focus is not only on extensive collections but on how we are engaging with our communities. To address this shift, the Free Libr...

  • Library as a Social Assistance Office

    With a determined stride and a big smile, Ida Abolins walks over to the writing desk at the window of the library in San Francisco and asks a young man bending over a pile of paper, "How are you doing?"

    Overlooking the lavish City ...

  • Prioritizing Accessibility and Disability Inclusion at Your Library

    Putting a focus on accessibility helps create a library that can be enjoyed by more people and can connect more people to the information and resources they need. Opportunities to make libraries more accessible can include decisions about your collec...

  • Customer Service in Libraries: Meeting Evolving Needs

    Customer service is one of the most consistently popular topics on WebJunction. From attendees at live webinars to users of the content in our Course Catalog, it is clear that customer service is on the minds of library staff. The interest extends be...

  • Community Engagement: Redefining the Library as Town Square

    Libraries are evolving, leaning outside of our walls, connecting with our communities in new and powerful ways. Defining our "why" requires understanding how to shift our focus from books to people. Our purpose is to support people and thei...

  • Blessing Box: Take What You Need, Leave What You Can

    This is the second article in a series published in collaboration with the Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL), highlighting innovation shared on ARSL's amazing and active Listserv.

    ARSL member Jennifer Johnson-Spence, serves as...

  • Resources on Libraries and Homelessness

    A collection of resources, webinars, courses, video, and articles on libraries and how they can serve community members experiencing homelessness.

  • Updated Course: Dealing with Angry Patrons

    The WebJunction team recently refreshed the LibraryU course, Dealing with Angry Patrons. The course is free, on-demand and self-paced. Register and enroll today to learn to minimize conflict, defuse patron anger and identify the underlying issues of ...

  • Librarians Leave "Fort Ref" and Reach Out with Reference

    The role of reference is changing, and librarians at Douglas County Libraries in Colorado, United States, took an active approach to examining what reference could look like for their community. Through a series of small projects and collaborative ef...