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JAN 27

Library Signage: Effective Crisis Communications

This session will looks recommended types of library signs and address aspects of library signage within crisis communications.

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Good signage in the library helps to create clarity and build awareness, while bad signage can lead to frustration and confusion. Has your library had to implement COVID-related signage? Has there been a review of other temporary and permanent signage? This session looks at recommended types of library signs and address aspects of library signage within crisis communications. We also address how to conduct a signage audit, the importance of library branding and using templates, and internal communications as they relate to signage.
Presented by: Dr. Curtis Rogers, Founder of Curtis Rogers Consulting, conducts training and consulting for libraries on marketing and communications topics, and recently retired, after 27 years of service at the South Carolina State Library.

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27 January 2022


3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Webinar presenter Curtis Rogers