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MAY 24

Book Challenges and Intellectual Freedom: Proactive Planning for Public Libraries

This webinar explores ways for libraries to be proactive in developing and sharing policies and procedures around book challenges.

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Across the United States, there are increased reports of book challenges from community members, which have led to very public and heated discussions. As public library leaders and staff consider how to prepare for similar local challenges, being proactive about developing and sharing policies and procedures can help to create clarity and establish expectations around responses to book challenges. This preparation may also include engaging stakeholders, partners, and supporters around the value and essential need for intellectual freedom in the library. Join this discussion with panelists who are working through these issues in their communities, to learn about the resources they have found useful, and their suggestions for getting started.

Presented by:

  • Amanda Vazquez, Library Director, Dubuque County Library District (IA)
  • Amber McLain, Digital Services Specialist, Lakeland Library Cooperative (MI)
  • Brianna Hoffman, WebJunction Project Coordinator, OCLC and Executive Director of the Washington Library Association
  • Jennifer Pearson, Director, Marshall County Memorial Library (TN)

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Related Resources and Links

Resources on Book Challenges and Intellectual Freedom, a comprehensive resource collection, which includes these resources below, referenced in the webinar:

Empathetic Listening and De-Escalation Techniques



24 May 2022


3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

Webinar presenter Amanda Vazquez

Webinar presenter Amber McLain

Webinar presenter Brianna Hoffman

Webinar presenter Jennifer Pearson