
Our portfolio

Browse our portfolio to see how libraries and organizations that support libraries are leveraging WebJunction’s expertise.

Our clients

Creating Civil Pathways to Civil Legal Justice

Legal Services Corporation

WebJunction and Legal Services Corporation (LSC) partnered to create national online training for public library staff who work in reference, adult services, or outreach positions on how to improve access to civil legal information and services. Improving Access to Civil Legal Justice through Public Libraries produced an instructor-led online training, a self-paced course series, peer-learning facilitation guides and training, webinars, articles, and numerous presentations about the project. The learning materials bolster the knowledge and ability of library staff to identify civil legal issues and direct library users to relevant information helping narrow the justice gap. The project runs from August 2019-June 2021, and was made possible through funding from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Susan Crown Exchange, LSC, and OCLC.


Foundation Center

To complete the final deliverable for their Knight Foundation-funded project, Visualizing Funding for Libraries, the Foundation Center asked WebJunction to finish creating a self-paced course that was already in development. Our instructional designer consulted with the Foundation Center to gather requirements and materials, and then built the online course, which was then added to our course catalog and promoted to our library audience.


University of Rhode Island - Media Smart Libraries

Media Smart Libraries designed three continuing education courses for library staff on media literacy, computational thinking, and film education and production. WebJunction designed self-paced online courses and learner guides based on the Media Smart Libraries course outline, then promoted the final courses through and its newsletter, Crossroads. WebJunction also provides sustainable hosting for the courses, which can be taken as a series or independently. A partnership between the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, the Providence Children’s Film Festival, and the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services, this project was funded in part by a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.


National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region Office

WebJunction was hired by the NNLM to review and recommend revisions to an existing NNLM course. Consultation services included an instructional design review of existing training materials, course structure, and visual design, as well as advice on delivery, learner engagement, and online instruction improvements. The course, Stand Up for Health: Health and Wellness Services for Your Community for Public Libraries, covered health and wellness reference, programming, and community outreach.


South Central Regional Library Council, the Empire State Library Network, and the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University

Design for Learning: 21st Century Online Teaching and Learning Skills for Library Workers (D4L) is a training program designed to enable library workers to transfer their in-person teaching skills to the online environment. WebJunction provided marketing and promotion for the course and helped to adapt it for WebJunction's free course catalog. D4L was developed with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services by three New York-based organizations: South Central Regional Library Council, the Empire State Library Network, and the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University.


Chief Officers of State Library Agencies

WebJunction produced and promoted Measures that Matter, a webinar series created with content from the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA). The Measures that Matter initiative was launched by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in cooperation with COSLA to take stock of the state of public library data and re-envision how data could be collected, stored, used, and disseminated more productively. Access the webinar series in WebJunction’s Course Catalog here.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Foundation contracted WebJunction to create and deliver a six-week training program for trainers, managers, and technical staff from 12 countries on designing and implementing online training programs for library staff in their respective countries. The instruction covered selecting and administering online learning platforms; designing, developing and delivering online training; promoting engagement and interaction; and selecting the best learning modes or combinations for the subject and learners. Participants worked together to make technology and instructional design decisions, develop content and create engagement strategies. By the end of the course, they were well on their way to delivering their first online trainings.

Contact us

To discuss any of these options or request an estimate, please contact WebJunction Director, Andrew Harbison.

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