
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Leading Staff Learning

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In our work to support library learning, we’re committed to an approach which looks to create and sustain diverse, equitable, inclusive spaces where libraries and communities can thrive. The OCLC 2023 Annual Report features some of our most popular webinars from the past year that can help inform your library’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We’re also continuing to develop resources and programming in this area to support library staff as we all continue on our respective journeys toward a more equitable and inclusive society.

Read the report

Popular webinars with a DEI lens

The programs below spotlight practitioners and organizations who strive to integrate DEI into their polices, practices, programs, and training.

  • Low Morale in Libraries: Impacts and Countermeasures: Kaetrena Davis Kendrick has conducted extensive research on low-morale experiences in libraries, identifying the various workplace factors and events that can lead to or trigger low morale and revealing the systems and structures that enable and perpetuate low morale. Learn about important research on low morale as well as actionable ideas for promoting a healthy work environment for all staff and cultivating empathetic leadership.
  • Library Safety and Security: A Holistic Approach: Creating a safe environment for the public, staff, and collections is a top concern for libraries. As a public space, this sometimes means that library staff are faced with behavior or events that may feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or illegal. Although we can’t predict or control every situation, we can be prepared to effectively respond to a range of scenarios, using a trauma-informed, human-centered lens.
  • Engaging Adults with Low Literacy Levels: Nearly twenty percent of adults in the United States read below a third-grade level and more than half of adults read below a sixth-grade level. Low levels in literacy can impact many aspects of daily life. This webinar explores the characteristics of adults with low literacy levels and provides strategies for library staff to support reading literacy in adults.
  • Native Stories, Native Peoples: Opportunities for Library Engagement: The history and current experiences of Indigenous peoples and Tribal Nations are complex, rich, and diverse. Libraries can play an important role in counteracting damaging myths and narratives about Native peoples, as well as exploring contemporary struggles and joys. This webinar highlights opportunities for library communities to foster understanding and support of Indigenous peoples, past and present.
  • Social Work Approaches to Library Services: View this webinar to explore the concept of "Whole Person Librarianship" and how a range of social work approaches can be applied to improve library services. You’ll learn how to conduct a community needs assessment, identify resources and social services you can provide through your library, and gain the confidence necessary to advocate for whole person services at your library.
  • Creating a Restorative Library Culture: Learn about restorative justice and restorative practices, and how to build relationships that can help address and repair harm done. This webinar offers actionable strategies you can start practicing immediately as well as methods to build buy-in from your organization as you get started on this impactful work.

Additional DEI learning opportunities

If you’re looking for further resources to support your library’s DEI efforts, please see the full list of learning opportunities in the Access & Equity category of our free Course Catalog. You can also explore Advancing IDEAs, an OCLC blog series on issues of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility, compiled by a team of OCLC contributors.

In the last year, more than 20 articles were added to WebJunction with a DEI framing, including: Climate Justice, Inclusive Collections for Supercharged Storytimes, and Partner with Indie Authors to Share Diverse Stories. Also, our Digital Collections Stewardship Course Series offers opportunities to represent a diversity of experiences and voices from communities that may be missing from physical collections. The development of digital collections provides an important way to share and preserve unique local history, culture, stories, and artifacts.

Thank you for joining in these important conversations and learning opportunities. To stay up-to-date with all upcoming webinars and other new offerings, sign up for Crossroads, our twice-monthly newsletter.