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6 Webinars to Jumpstart Your Professional Development

Steph Waite, Communications Coordinator /

As 2018 comes to a close, it's the perfect time to think about your professional development goals for next year. Check out this greatest hits list of WebJunction's webinars that you can watch free at any time. Each webinar includes a list of related resources to explore and a learner guide to help extend your learning, alone or with others. Whether you want to create new programs or tweak regular ones, there’s something for every library on this list. And when you're ready, explore the rest of our learning opportunities, always free, in the WebJunction Course Catalog.

1. Evaluating and Sharing Your Library’s Impact

Want to know if your programming or services are effective? This three-part series walks you through the why and how of evaluating your library’s programs and resources using various assessment tools and data collection methods. This series has something to offer whether you’ve never used data before or you have some experience in this area. Watch now



2. Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement

Start your new year off by jumpstarting your volunteer engagement. This webinar teaches you how to recruit skilled volunteers and grow your community of supporters. You’ll also learn how to create engaging volunteer job descriptions and targeted recruitment plans so you can build a team of volunteers who love what you do—and love what they do to help your library. Watch now



3. Laying Out the Welcome Mat: Asset Mapping to Better Serve the Immigrant Community

With immigration in the news, many library practitioners are wondering how they can support immigrant populations as they transition into their communities. This webinar covers how to use asset mapping—a way to discover, gather, and share community resources—to grow strong relationships and align with existing community partners and resources. Asset mapping will help you understand and highlight your community’s resources, strengthening your library as an invaluable hub for the immigrants in your area. Watch now



4. Intergenerational Programs at the Library: Connecting Generations for Healthy Communities

Libraries attract people of all ages—and you probably offer different programs designed to appeal to each generation. You’ll learn how to craft programming that brings generations together to spark connections and conversations, and how to foster intergenerational connections on a daily basis. Watch now



5. Homelessness in Small and Rural Communities: Libraries Can Help!

Maybe you’d like to help address the needs of patrons experiencing homelessness, but aren’t sure how—especially with stretched financial and human resources. This webinar offers practical insights on services and resources you can provide for people without stable housing. You’ll also learn how to create a welcoming environment, and how to engage your community in conversations and myth-debunking about homelessness. Watch now



6. Lunch at the Library: Nourishing Bodies and Minds

It’s never too early to prep for summer programming. This year, bring lunch to your library for kids in need. This webinar highlights tools and practical tips for starting a USDA Summer Food Service Program so you can incorporate lunches into your summer reading program. If you’ve been hosting a lunch program for years, you’ll gain new insights on expanding it and walk away feeling inspired to plan. Watch now