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AUG 24

IFLA's Global Vision: An Interactive Discussion

In this highly interactive webinar, join with the Association for Rural & Small Libraries to discuss the future of libraries as part of IFLA's Global Vision initiative.

This event has passed.

Earlier this year, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) launched a series of Global Vision discussions to bring together thousands of librarians around the world, through face-to-face and online interactive participation, to explore how a connected library field can meet the challenges of the future. IFLA believes that the challenges facing the library field from ever-increasing globalization can only be met and overcome by an inclusive, global response from a united library field. By joining us for this webinar, you can participate in this global discussion to identify future challenges and opportunities facing the library field and help to prioritize actions that a united and connected library field can take.

The Association for Rural and Small Libraries, in collaboration with WebJunction, invites rural and small libraries to join this highly interactive webinar discussion to voice your opinions and contribute to shaping a unique and comprehensive IFLA Global Vision. In preparation, you may want to reflect on your work in the library field: Why do you think your work is important? How do you see your work in the future? You may also refer to IFLA’s Trend Report as well as other relevant publications about libraries and the trends and developments affecting them.

Together we build literate, informed and participative societies. Together we create the future. Join us!

Facilitated by: Jennifer Pearson, ARSL board member, IFLA Global Vision North American regional discussion representative, and director Marshall County Memorial Library (TN)

Tweet: #IFLAGlobalVision

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24 August 2017


3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

