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We Can't Go It Alone: Community-Centered Collaborations during COVID-19

Representing a variety of cultural heritage institutions, presenters will share their experiences with partnerships and networks during the pandemic.

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Libraries, archives, and museums have adapted their facilities, services, and programs in response to community needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many found they didn’t have to do it alone. Building networks that foster information exchange and collaboration among museums, libraries, and other local assets and organizations can help us manage uncertainty and strengthen our capacity. Our panelists, who represent a variety of cultural heritage institutions, will share their experiences with local, state, and national partnerships and networks during the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight successful strategies that can help you lead staff and public during a crisis.

Presented by:

  • Cassandra Williams Rush, Manager, CEO, C. Williams Rush Museum of African American Arts and Culture (SC)
  • Julie Brophy, Adult & Community Engagement Manager, Baltimore County Public Library (MD)
  • Sherry Aragon, Library Director, Española Public Library (NM)
  • Stacen Goldman, Curator, Framingham History Center (MA)

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05 May 2022


3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

Webinar presenter
Cassandra Williams Rush

Webinar presenter Julie Brophy

Webinar presenter Sherry Aragon

Webinar presenter Stacen Goldman