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The Social Library, Volume 1

Jennifer Peterson /

We're launching this new weekly Social Library feature to help surface some of the amazing work we see coming from libraries we follow on Facebook. We thought it would be a great way to take advantage of the virtual tour we can take, thanks to social media, and to provide you with a weekly travel log of sorts. Here are the exciting things we discovered are happening at five libraries this week:

  • At the Loveland Public Library in Colorado, patrons can stop by or make an appointment to meet with a Download Coach for help getting ebooks, digital magazines, and more on devices. On the 4th Wednesday of each month, patrons can visit the library's Media Desk for drop-in help or they can make an appointment.
  • The Meridian Library District in Idaho is launching their new DIT (Do It Together) series with a discussion on starting your garden from seed, learning the difference between cold and warm season crops, as well as techniques for growing healthy indoor starts. The series continues throughout the spring with additional sessions on backyard chickens, permaculture, bees, and other off the grid living.
  • During the month of February, the Lodi Memorial Library in New Jersey offered free custom tinkerCad classes for patrons to make their own 3D object. The 30 minute class introduced creators to tinkerCad, and after creating their own SVG file, they used the library's 3D printer to create a small object.
  • The Mesa County Libraries in Colorado is offering a 3-part bilingual Employment Workshop Series in partnership with their local Lowes. Topics covered included Navigating the Job Search and Application Process, Producing an Outstanding Resume, and Performing a Standout Interview. (Edit: We originally stated this was in Arizona but it is really in Colorado.)
  • The Tulare Public Library in California held the Grand Opening for their Veterans Resource Center! With this opening, there are now 20 resource centers located in libraries throughout California as part of the Veterans Connect @ the Library project, made possible through a partnership between the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) and the California State Library, and funded by IMLS.

We'll be checking out Facebook for what you've got going on at your library and feature a fresh set of inspiration each week. Thanks to all of this week's featured libraries for such outstanding service to your communities!