
Wikipedia + Libraries Releases Curated Course Curriculum for Library Trainers

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Librarians edit Wikipedia in Multnomah County, Oregon.
Credit: User:Pdx.leecat CC BY-SA 3.0

WebJunction is pleased to announce that the curated and consolidated curriculum, slides, and handouts for its nine-week Wikipedia + Libraries: Better Together course are now available for use and adaptation for free under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) licensing.

Visit the Wikipedia + Libraries Training Curriculum page to download the materials.

Compiled specifically for library trainers, the curriculum guides trainers on their own journeys with Wikipedia so they can learn about engagement, editing, and outreach, and will be able to confidently lead training programs at their libraries.

The curriculum and course materials were originally developed for the Wikipedia + Libraries national online training program delivered by WebJunction September through November 2017. Nearly 300 public library staff enrolled to develop skills in evaluating and editing Wikipedia to better serve their communities. As a result of their participation in the course, library staff have edited Wikipedia, run training workshops and informal sessions about Wikipedia for staff and colleagues, and organized community outreach events incorporating Wikipedia. The newly released materials, designed for reuse and adaptation, provides instruction and resources in support of these activities.

Materials may be used and adapted at no cost under the terms of CC BY-SA 4.0, which requires attribution to the creator, WebJunction, a program of OCLC, and providing the link to the source materials. Those planning to train with the materials are encouraged to notify the project team of their programs (contact Dale Musselman at [email protected]). Feedback about use of the training materials provides WebJunction with the opportunity to maintain, update, and improve upon them.

The curriculum release marks the completion of the 18-month Wikipedia + Libraries project to strengthen ties between Wikipedia and US public libraries. The project was funded by the Knight Foundation, the Wikimedia Foundation, and OCLC.