Library Social Cohesion Impact Measure

(Library SCIM)

IREX, Bridgebuilding project /

What is this tool?

This is a survey designed to aid librarians in measuring the impact of their library programs on social cohesion. This tool is designed to be brief, accessible, flexible, and captures key outcomes identified by librarians as important to their goals.

Who developed this tool?

This tool was developed through a collaboration between the Bridging Movement Goals and Measures Program and the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), sponsored by the Listen First Project.

How was this tool developed?

The development of this tool was informed by focus groups of librarians and library researchers, who provided us essential insight into the attitudes and goals of librarians regarding measurement, and validation studies in which the survey items were tested in a large representative online sample to ensure that they are scientifically reliable and valid items.

When can this tool be used?

This survey is designed so that it can be used anytime, for anyone who comes to the library, attends a library event, or uses a library service.

What is in this tool?

  • A Guide to using this tool
  • Definitions of eight recommended outcomes (five used in the pre-built survey and three supplemental you could add to your survey, with recommended uses)
  • A Sample pre-built survey
  • Instructions on how to create surveys in Google or Microsoft Forms

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